Dues will be determined by the Executive Board. Any increases must be ratified by vote of the members at the Division’s Annual Membership Meeting. Dues are subject to the approval of the Executive Board of the ASC, and will be due at the time annual dues to the ASC are paid.
Parliamentary Procedure/Rules of Order
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Division in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Division or the ASC and any special rules of order the Division or ASC may adopt.
A quorum will consist of one-fifth of the Division’s members in good standing. All votes will be determined by a simple majority of those present, unless provided otherwise by the Constitution or Bylaws. In the event a quorum is not present at the general membership meeting(s), a majority of those present will be sufficient for action. Such action may be challenged by a member in good standing not in attendance at the ASC Annual Meeting. In the event of a challenge, a ratification vote will be provided to the general membership electronically by the Chair. A ratification vote may be done by mail ballot or electronically as long as measures are taken to ensure that no member may submit more than one ballot.
Executive Board
The Executive Board shall meet at least once a year, on the first day of the ASC Annual Meeting. Such other meetings may be called as are needed.
The general membership of the Division shall meet at least once a year, at the time and place of the ASC’s Annual Meeting. Such meeting shall be designated the Division’s Annual Membership Meeting.
Division Budget
The budget of the Division, as determined by the Executive Board, shall be a part of the ASC budget and be administered by the ASC. The Executive Board of the Division will submit the Division’s budget to the ASC’s Executive Director for integration into the ASC’s budget. Expenditures from the budget shall be authorized by the ASC Executive Director in accordance with the approved budget.