The DWCC is a Division of the American Society of Criminology. Membership in the DWCC is an option as part of an ASC membership.
If you are an existing ASC member, you can add the DWCC membership to your existing ASC membership. If you are not currently an ASC member, you can join ASC and select to add the DWCC membership to your ASC membership. The Division dues are $20 for regular members and $10 for students.
A membership in the DWCC comes with a digital copy of the Journal of White Collar and Corporate Crime. Alternatively, Sage will provide non-student members a print subscription to the journal at a charge of $20 per year upon request when joining the Division.
Once you have joined, your DWCC membership will be renewed when you renew your annual ASC membership. To join the Division or renew your ASC and DWCC memberships, click here.